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Our Family

In 2017, Rich and Cherry Smith followed God's calling all the way from a corner office in Indianapolis to Antigua, Guatemala. Their heart's desire is to obey God's command to make disciples and to imitate his example of adoption, caring for the fatherless, and sheltering the vulnerable. 


Today, they are bringing to life their son Edwin's vision of a transition home for young women who have aged out of the orphanage or temporary refuge and are pushed out onto the street, at times, with nowhere safe to go and no marketable skills. This program will provide a safe home environment where these young people can be properly equipped for a safe and successful launch into mature adulthood after 2 years of training, healing, and encouragement.


To this end, they have purchased a large property near Antigua, Guatemala and are preparing the land for construction, beginning with the transition home for girls, a medical and dental clinic (to both serve the community and to train the girls as dental/medical assistants), and a blacksmith and woodworking trade school to be used for training and mentoring young men (living off-site)/and women in the program.


This is a God-sized endeavor, but as believers, one to which we each are called. Please consider how you might play a part in joining the Smiths as they defend the orphans.


The Smith Clan

Left to right: Rich, Edwin, Bradee, Cherry, Bailey, Juniper, and Shane.

Our Board

Our Team.

Meet the growing team here at Casa de Gracia!

After 13 years in a Guatemalan orphanage, Edwin left alone at age 18, beginning a transition into adult life he had not been prepared to navigate. His experience inspired him to create the Los de Atras Vienen Conmigo program.


Today, Rich and Cherry Smith are proud to call Edwin their son, and his photography and videography skills and first-hand experience have made him an invaluable part of the Casa de Gracia team.

Adopted as an infant from Guatemala, Catherine returned in 2021 to see what the Lord is doing in Guatemala and how she can be part of it. Upon meeting the Smiths and learning about their vision for Casa de Gracia, she moved to Guatemala to help make it a reality.


Catherine's heart is to guide younger women who are seeking the same things she did at their age: the belonging, identity, and purpose found in Christ. 

After visiting Guatemala in 2020, Lovie realized that first, she had so much to learn from Guatemala and its people, and second, she needed to not only pray for laborers for the harvest as Jesus commanded, but be one.


Little did she know, she'd meet her now-husband on the mission field less than a year later. Now, as a stay-at-home-mom to their one-year-old, Lovie is excited to be using her communications degree for the kingdom of God.

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