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Writer's pictureRich and Cherry Smith

May Update | Walls and Walks of Faith

Just look at that wall!!

It is truly a big and beautiful sight to behold! Our hearts are rejoicing to see this phase of the project coming to fruition! It honestly feels like watching a dream being built before our eyes!!

Change of Plans…

As many of you know, the plan was to use the months of March, April & May to get excavation done as well as begin putting in some of the big drainage pipes and as much other critical infrastructure as we could before the rains arrived.

Well, timing is everything, right?

Several factors have led us to a change of plans. After conversations with our friend and consultant, Chris Nevins of Fuel the Mission, plus our very talented architect, Byron Chali, we came to the decision that it would be better to wait and see how the water naturally flows and tracks on the property. Also, we don't want to waste time or resources on the excavation process only to have to re-do where it gets washed away by 80-90 inches of rains we will receive between now and the end of October.

So we are moving ahead with the drilling samples (already paid for and the work is in process!) This will give the critical information needed for excavation, infrastructure and the drilling of the well that is scheduled for October/November…very excited about that!!

The Cover of the Book

After that, we made the decision to use whatever funds come in to finish the work of the front wall! The ‘cover of the book’ as our architect puts it!

Previously we were going to put up a temporary corrugated metal wall and focus on excavation. As we realized that timing was a bad idea, we also realized this allows us to do the work across the front.

This is a more involved process with better materials because it is part of the buildings structure itself (clinics, trade schools and guard station). This work will also include the main entrance gate.

We are really excited that this is something that can be done during the rainy season so work can continue in a timeline that makes sense while ensuring that we don’t waste time or resources!

And here is the beautiful part…God. In His perfect ways and perfect timing…He is providing what we need, right when we need it! Within 24 hours of making this decision, the funds of $65k that we had been praying for to proceed during rainy season arrived in full! Absolutely Amazing!! He faithfully provides while lovingly answering our prayers to follow His lead and not get out ahead of Him.

Walking by Faith

He continues teaching us to follow Him in obedience and walk by faith!

Some days this feels like blind faith and as a family we have to encourage each other along. But we learn more every day that the best way to walk forward in faith is to remember to look back!! Look at what God has already done and praise Him for it. And trust Him for what is yet to come!!

Hebrews 11:1-2

Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. This is what the ancients were commended for.

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