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Writer's pictureRich and Cherry Smith

What the Cactus Speaks

Every time we are at the Casa de Gracia property site to check on construction progress or to pray, these cactus always speak to our hearts in a special way. A way that leads us to pray for each young person that will live here in the transition home and will be part of the transition program.

Let me explain by telling a little bit about these cactus. 

They are tough! 

They have survived a lot. 

They have clearly been here on this property a very long time. 

But take a good look at them….

In the parts that look nearly dead, new life is growing!

I don’t know about the first many years of their lives but I do know about the last year and a half since we have ‘known’ them. 

Last year, the owners of the neighboring property decided to clear their land by setting a controlled fire. Most of our cactus were burned pretty badly. It didn’t look like they would survive.

Shortly after that, construction of our wall began. The area all along the perimeter had to be cleared and excavated. The workers normally tear out everything in their path. We asked them to please leave the cactus (even though they were badly damaged by the fires). They seemed skeptical about this idea but promised us they would try. Again, the cactus got pretty messed up in that whole process and didn’t look like they were going to make it. 

But by God’s grace and design, they are alive, growing strong and flowering…beautifully scarred yet bearing fruit!

This impacts our hearts strongly as it makes us think about the young lives that God will be bringing to this transition home, House of Grace, and the transition program, Los de Atras Vienen Conmigo. 

We know that each one will each have  their own stories of survival with their own sets of deep wounds and scars.  

But God…He has a purpose and a plan for each of them. 

And He alone can bring beauty from ashes. 

He alone can  heal the deep wounds. 

The scars remain to tell our stories but God covers us with His grace and love and is able to redeem it all. 

He gives  each one of us the potential for great beauty and fruit-bearing. 

Please pray with us for each of them.  

Pray for the healing of their deep wounds as they find their identity in Christ alone. This is the Gospel and therefore this is our primary mission; bring the hope of the Gospel to each one, each day. 

1 Peter 5:10-11

And the God of all grace, who called you to His eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered for a little while, will Himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast. To Him be the power forever and ever. Amen.

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